By now you've probably all heard about the rough economic times we've been having here and how a lot of people are getting laid off because of it. It really kinda sucks, especially when it could've been prevented, had the government not idiotically tried to bail out all those stupid banks that lent out more than theyed ever see come back. If they'd been thinking ahead, like they should have, this wouldn't have happened. True that the bank are mostly to blaim for this economic cunundrum, what with all the wreckless lending they've been doing, knowing that they'd never see that money ever again! It's a wonder they're still in business! You would've thought they would be more conciencious and planned farther ahead than this, but appearantly we were all wrong.
So, if these banks made idiots of themselves, then why in God's name did the government bail them out?! They should've known that something like this would screw us over and kill us in the long run, right? True that it's not another depression era and I don't think the problem is nearly as horrific as these liberal-minded newscasters make it out to be, but honestly, now, this whole mess could've been completely sidestepped if the government had just said no to those banks. Let 'em go bankrupt for all I care! More business for the little banks! Besides, they're the banks that actually care about their customers for a change.
And as for that whole schpeil about investing in gold, it's a load of freakin' bull crap! Just ask Dave Ramsey @
Anywho, all of this to say an uncle of mine is getting laid off soon. Here's hoping things go well and he finds a new job soon. Until next time, QUIT FREAKIN' OUT!!!
JAck out.
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