Monday, April 12, 2010

All up in mah faic!

So the other day whilest I was parrusing through town on my way to the bus station, this random guy with a rolled up American flag comes walkin' up from the other direction and starts yellin' somethin' at me. Now usually when I'm out for a jaunt, I take my bag and my earphones and this event was not different, so, naturally I sorta heard him over the sound of my tunes (which, in all honesty is pretty impressive considering that they're skullcandies and I had the volume up to I could hear it above the traffic I was walking adjacent to) and had to take one out and say "What?"
Anywho, they guy, whom I'll refer to as Danny since I didn't ever catch his name, starts in on this whole angry rant sermon about how we as Americans no longer respect the iscription on the dollar bill "In God We Trust". It was sort of a long-winded speech and laced with quiet a bit of colorful language, but the gist of what he wanted to know was is it in God we trust or in money we trust. This kind of struck me as odd because not an hour before that encounter, my family and I had just finishced meeting with another prominant couple in our church to get to know each other better and, surprise-surprise, this same topic, among other things, had come up whilest we were discussing each others lives the current world events.
So I got to thinking, where DO we place our trust? Is it God? Is it money? Gold? Stocks? bonds? To where will we turn when we experience the further effects of this ressession in the next several years? Let me hear what you think.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


So I'm pickin' up some paramecium cheese from the grocer's the other day and as I'm tryin' t' find an open check-out lane, I overhear this dude in one of the lanes talkin' the manager's ear off about macroeconomics or something or other. Now normally I wouldn't pay too much attention to something like a conversation about how the government spends it's money in a check-out line, but this guy was being very adamant about what he was saying, like he was off on a rant or something. It didn't seem like he was angry, but he sounded like he was in some college debate class trying to push his point on the guy at the counter (a.k.a. Mr. ManagerGuy). Not only that, he was there talkin' longer than I'd probably been in the store and when I left, he still flappin' his jaw at the guy. I didn't say anything but in my head I'm goin' "Dude! Jus' pay yer bill an' leave the macroecon sermon to for the econ classes!" It just seemed like he was there just to show off his proficiency in pop economic psycho-babel or some other crap like that. Just slightly annoying.
And then there was the guy in front of me. Now this guy was a whole different kind of annoying altogether and his act didn't last nearly as long as captain economics two lanes over. He was minding his own beeswax and just checkin-out when he took it a step further. After he handed the cashier the money to pay, he started lookin' at something toward the front of the store, away from the cashier and instead of turning to the cashier to take his change, he keeps looking at whatever it was that had so rivitingly grabbed his attention and just stuck out his cupped hand in her general direction. I hate to complain and sound nit-picky, but WHAT THE CRAP?!? Rude! Annoyingly rude, no less!
I guess common sense has gone to the dogs.

JAck out.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Karate Kid?

If you've seen the new trailer on youtube for the new karate kid movie that's coming out this year, you may be asking yourself why they never bothered to change the name. According to the trailer, the new Mr. Miagi (or however you spell it), played by Jacki Chan, is teaching his new student kung fu. KUNG FU! So why are they naming the movie KARATE kid?? If I go to see a karate kid movie, I wanna see the main character practicing and learning KARATE, not kung fu! What the heck!!! I can see that someone wanted to cash in on the successful Karate kid franchise, but seriously now, call it what it is! Call it Kung Fu Kid, that's what it is. Besides, there's probably more people who'd go see that than would go see Karate Kid.