Thursday, March 19, 2009

Notice: Winter quarter @ Highline ends today

IT'S OVER! HUZZAH!!! Hallelujah, even! It's over, it's done with, and now I can go back to my life! *WOOOOOOT!!!* Thank the good Lord it's over!
( that I got that outta my system...)
With my newfound ten-day freedom, comes time to reflect upon life, time to further finish my culminating project, time to write up my essay for next quarter's lit class, time to go to Grandma's! It's been a wild and crazy week, folks, but the JAck is back and ready to get somethin' started. I'm thinking of starting a new resolution (kinda late, I know) of posting a new debate for you to ponder in your spare time; I'm thinking maybe once a week or at least every other day for starters. It all depends upon what I can find in my spare time. I'll try to find some good ones for ya, but be forwarned that some of 'em might be kinda silly or far out there. Again, it'll all depend on what I can find to write about. This, of course, will be in addition to my regular (if somewhat random and or haphazard most of the time) postings in which I give you a glimps of my life at random. Anywho, that's the current plan in the works at the drawing board, back in the lab. If you have any specific topics or ideas you'd like to discuss or want to see on my blog, hit me up via email or myspace or leave a comment on this entry. I'll handle the rest (after the general screening process, that is). Until then, I'll be on the interwebs, conjuring up info from Google and Yahoo! for reference and future debates.
Until we text again, my friends,
JAck out.

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