Friday, March 27, 2009

Coming toward the end an' I'm still doin' homework!


Okay, I got it outta my system, we're good to go.
Anywho, I had a first this week: three, count 'em, 3 week nights in a row that I spent outside the house for a change. I was pretty happy with that, myself. Wednesday night was youth group night, which was awesome as always; we continued to discuss what the mission statement will be for our youth group, which we've decided, somewhat unanimously, to call 'Frontline'. Thursday night saw me paying a visit to my youth pastors' house for the biblical new year celebration with the singing of songs, the praying of prayers, the reading and discussion of favorite bible verses, the eating of much icecream, carrots, grapes, tangerines, cheese and crackers, and all followed by the animated chatter of us youth group kids and the watching of hilarious youtube videos. Then, just this evening I got back from a bible study, or rather the preliminary breifing of what will be going on in said bible study, preceded and followed by the playing of video games and loud excited chatter of middle school-aged teen boys high on energy drinks. Yep, it's been a good week, I dare say. I will miss it so.
Oh, yes, in case you haven't noticed, I am now on twitter as of, like, 20 minutes ago or so. So, hit me up, or find me on myspace or one of the other forums I frequent.

Until we text again,
JAck out.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

As I slash my way through the library...

Okay, kids, debate time:
What is your inner-animal?
I know, I know, weird question, you've probably only heard it about a bazillion times already, but just bear with me think it over carefully. If you're a little confused as to what I'm talking about, I'll give you a little allegory as a guide line.
Studies have shown that there are four main personallity types:
a.) Lion - Leader of the group, outgoing and likes to take charge ("Git 'r' done!")
b.) Beaver - Detail-oriented, very organized ("Don't rush me! Speed matters less than acuracy")
c.) Otter - Class clown, care-free, happy-go-lucky ("The wonderful thing about Tiggers...")
d.) Retriever - The helper, sees and heres those in need, good listener ("Sit down and tell me all about it")
Some people are lions, some are otters and so on. Most of us have one of these traits that is dominant in our personality. I would venture to guess that we all have a little bit of each in all of us. I'm mostly a retriever, kinda quiet, good listener, a servant at heart. This doesn't mean I don't like to take charge once in a while, I'm just not comfortable with it on a daily basis. I'm not always as organized as I'd like to be, but I do have an eye for detail in my artistic writing. I also have a thing for being a spazz at times and I have a great sense of humor. It's in my genes, I've been told. I just kind of runs in the family. Another thing that runs in my family is a facination with heated political debates. We love to just sit around the table and argue over democrats and republicans over dinner or a good game of cards, another heretitary pastime we enjoy.
Well, there you have it. Comment and let me know what you think your inner-animal is.
Happy texting,
JAck out.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Notice: Winter quarter @ Highline ends today

IT'S OVER! HUZZAH!!! Hallelujah, even! It's over, it's done with, and now I can go back to my life! *WOOOOOOT!!!* Thank the good Lord it's over!
( that I got that outta my system...)
With my newfound ten-day freedom, comes time to reflect upon life, time to further finish my culminating project, time to write up my essay for next quarter's lit class, time to go to Grandma's! It's been a wild and crazy week, folks, but the JAck is back and ready to get somethin' started. I'm thinking of starting a new resolution (kinda late, I know) of posting a new debate for you to ponder in your spare time; I'm thinking maybe once a week or at least every other day for starters. It all depends upon what I can find in my spare time. I'll try to find some good ones for ya, but be forwarned that some of 'em might be kinda silly or far out there. Again, it'll all depend on what I can find to write about. This, of course, will be in addition to my regular (if somewhat random and or haphazard most of the time) postings in which I give you a glimps of my life at random. Anywho, that's the current plan in the works at the drawing board, back in the lab. If you have any specific topics or ideas you'd like to discuss or want to see on my blog, hit me up via email or myspace or leave a comment on this entry. I'll handle the rest (after the general screening process, that is). Until then, I'll be on the interwebs, conjuring up info from Google and Yahoo! for reference and future debates.
Until we text again, my friends,
JAck out.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Finals week: In the home stretch now

Just finished the first of my finals today and I still got three more to go. Tomorrow, I present my CGG final for the rest of my peers and Thursday sees me taking a final for Chinese early in the morning, right around 8 in the freakin morning and an art 100 final later that afternoon. At least I get it all done before Friday, leaving me a whole 10-11 days of absolute freedom! (Okay, so I still have a paper to write for Lit and pages to read for history, both of which are happenin next quarter, but relatively less than what I had to put up with this quarter)
"So, what the heck is CGG??", you ask? Basically, someone's idea of a great culminating project class. (In reality, all it is is an excuse to get us to give a hundred hours of our summer break to community service and then tie it to a random social issue of our choosing and present on it. Don't get me wrong, I'd do the community service all over again in a heartbeet. I just would've dropped the CGG class right afterward and gone for something more interesting and more common occurance durring the week on Highline's main campus.)
Anywho, just wanted to get that off my chest and move onto spring break. I can't wait!
Until I text again, peace out, rock hard, Godbless.
May the Force be with you,
JAck out.

Friday, March 13, 2009

In the home stretch

*A red and white clad figure deftly steps from the shadows in silence, a piercing stare affixed within his deep blue eyes, his right hand upon the hilt of his sword ready to strike*

The week is finally over, the weekend has officially begun, and I am at least halfway relieved. I have about one week left of nothing but finals, debriefs and overviews of next quarter and then I have a full eleven, count 'em, 11 days to kick back, relax, and do absolutely nothing academically related whatsoever. I'm actually pretty pumped for spring break, to be quite honest. Am I worried about next quarter? Heck-to-the-freakin' no, baby! With three classes on a constant daily schedule with familiar instructors, I have nothin' to worry about. This last quarter of my running start carreer is a garunteed cake-walk! I am feelin' fine. About the only other thing I gotta worry about now is my culminating project; that shouldn't be a problem. Ah, for once this year, things are looking up. Good thing, too. I was this close to losing my sanity altogether.

I think we're going somewhere
We're onto something good here
Out of mind, out of state, tryin' to keep my head on straight
I think We're going somewhere
We're onto something good here
There's only one thing left to do, drop all I have and go with you
Somewhere back there I left my worries all behind
My problems fell out of the back of my mind
We're going and I'm never knowing
Never knowing where we're going
But to go back to where I was would just be wrong
I'm pressin' on
Pressin' on
All minor stress is going, going, gone
Pressin' on
Pressin' on
And I won't sit back and take this anymore
'Cause I'm done with that, I've got one foot out the door
And to go back to where I was would just be wrong
I'm pressin' on

*(Yes, I'm also a Reliant K fan)*